Santa a is gay Christmas sweatshirt

Santa a is gay Christmas sweatshirt

Leah Heil, senior general manager for Westfield, said in an email that the idea of Selfie Santa came about because staff members saw how many guests take selfies under the dramatic, upside-down crystal tree that hangs in the building’s historic rotunda.

“Selfie Santa builds upon the strong interest of our digitally savvy community to share and post photos. Santa a is gay Christmas sweatshirt. 

The Westfield mall is an outlier this holiday season, even among its own chain. Stonestown Galleria in San Francisco and Broadway Plaza in Walnut Creek rolled out the red carpet earlier this month for Santas it hired through a Florida company, WorldWide Photography, which vets and places Santas at more than 260 malls and outlet stores nationwide. Other Westfield malls also have Santas.

For much of the 20th century, Santa was king of San Francisco during the holidays. Many families planned at least one outing to take in the wonder of the department store windows, beginning in Union Square, and then down to Market Street. The Emporium department store was a destination for tiny children to tug at Santa’s suit and whisper reminders of what he was to bring on Christmas Day.

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