Drake Kudolph do you love me Christmas sweatshirt

Drake Kudolph do you love me Christmas sweatshirt

 Entertainment industry superstar, Aubrey “Drake” Graham, was just announced as a co-owner of 100 Thieves, a Los Angeles based esports, apparel and gaming content company. Drake, along with Scooter Braun and venture capital firms like Sequoia Capital, put up a whopping $25 million for a Series A funding round. This news comes shortly after 100T’s League of Legends team suffered an early exit at the 2018 League of Legends World Championship. Despite the loss, the team performed well throughout their inaugural season. 100 Thieves’ success does not end at League of Legends, though — their apparel drops, which forego the typical “gamer” look by combining modern streetwear aesthetic with premium materials, sell out in mere minutes. Drake Kudolph do you love me Christmas sweatshirt.
In hindsight, Drake’s play session with Ninja seems deliberate and calculated. It introduced him as a subliminal figure in the gaming scene. Coughing up huge sums of cash to support an organization means you likely believe in its mission, and 100 Thieves seems like a great fit for Drake.
Much of 100T’s success can be attributed to Haag’s developing business acumen and passion for esports, and apparently Drake thinks he is doing a pretty good job, too. The biggest question on my mind now: How many 100 Thieves trophies can Drake fit next to all those Grammys?

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